ME Engineers Response to COVID-19

18 March 2020

ME Engineers, like all businesses around the world, is monitoring the progression of the world-wide COVID-19 response. The safety and protection of our employees and clients is of paramount importance. To that end, we have put a hold on international and domestic travel, allowing only very limited local travel. Our staff is working remotely until further notice and many of the tools we need to successfully accomplish working remotely have been in place in our organization for a number of years. Additional network equipment and licenses for various software applications have been recently acquired to ensure wide-scale access and compliance. And only computers equipped with ME’s security software are allowed for use in remote access.

The nature of our business and clients has always required that we have the tools in place to respond to client needs in the fast-paced world of large-scale design and construction projects. These tools and processes, along with the determination and ingenuity of our team, ensures that we will provide our clients with timely and responsive service even during this current health crisis.

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